Evidence-based, clinical decision support information for the multidisciplinary team

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it.

Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion. We are the only Point of Care tool to support the management of single conditions and patients with more complex comorbidities. We support you to treat the whole patient.

Our in-house evidence team collaborates with over 1,600 international expert authors and over 2,500 peer reviewers to ensure that users always have the latest evidence-based information that is practical for the clinical setting.

BMJ Best Practice also offers:

  • Differential diagnoses, unique treatment algorithms, and step-by-step guidance on treatment to support real-life clinical demands.

  • Multimedia content including 5,000+ images, and videos that provide animated demonstrations of common procedures such as central venous catheter insertion.

  • Access to nearly 500 evidence-based patient leaflets. The leaflets provide concise, user-friendly summaries to reassure patients and carers and help them to make informed, shared decisions with healthcare professionals.

  • 250+ clinical calculators, which are available both online and offline to provide quick criteria and calculation support to health professionals.

  • Typical patient case histories in each condition topic.

  • Visual alerts to practice-changing evidence – a summary of the most recent updates is provided on the homepage and within relevant topics.

  • An EBM Toolkit, which provides the fundamentals to learn, practise and discuss evidence-based medicine.

  • International coverage of diagnostic and treatment guidelines grouped by geographical area.

  • A local guidance tool that enables healthcare organisations to easily add links to local clinical information to BMJ Best Practice topics.

  • Evidence tables to make evidence easier to find, digest and action. This provides healthcare professionals with quick answers to critical evidence questions, based on GRADE – the international standard in guideline development.

  • A unique partnership with Cochrane Clinical Answers that helps to clearly differentiate opinion from evidence – enabling confident evidence-based decision-making with patients.

  • 65,000 references embedded in text as popups.

  • Automatic CME/CPD activity tracking on the website and app, which enables users to demonstrate continuous improvement and print personalised certificates to demonstrate their learning.

  • Whole topic PDF downloads to support students and practising healthcare professionals who want to annotate a topic.