The BMJ Knowledge Centre has carefully selected a range of links to other evidence-based publications and organizations that support evidence-based practice.


Free resources

  • Bandolier Archived web-version of the paper bulletin board of the findings of high-quality evidence-based studies
  • Bandolera Authorised Spanish translation of Bandolier
  • Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (UK) Publications NHS-commissioned agency, whose aim is to compile and disseminate reviews about the effectiveness and costs of healthcare interventions. Publications comprise CRD Reports, Effectiveness Matters, and Effective Health Care Bulletins. Also available is a bibliography of other, related publications
  • Campbell Collaboration Nonprofit organization which produces systematic reviews accessible through its online library and policy briefs which aim to promote positive social and economic change
  • Cochrane Library A collection of evidence-based medicine databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which is a leading resource for systematic reviews in healthcare publishing, with updated and new reviews on a monthly basis. Free access to the Cochrane Library for users in England is provided by the NHS []
  • Evidence-Based Medicine Owned by BMJ, EBM publishes articles relevant to the study and practice of evidence-based medicine including original research and reviews. It also critically appraises content from a wide range of international medical journals applying strict criteria for research validity with the most relevant summarized into expert commentaries
  • Evidence-Based Mental Health Co-owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, The British Psychological Society and BMJ, EBMH produces succinct expert commentaries relevant to psychiatrists and psychologists following a systematic search of international medical journals and the application of strict criteria for the validity of research. It also publishes articles relevant to the study and practice of evidence-based medicine
  • Evidence-Based Nursing  Co-owned by the RCNi and BMJ, EBN produces succinct expert commentaries relevant to best nursing practice following a systematic search of international medical journals and the application of strict criteria for the validity of research
  • The history of evidence-based medicine - Oral History project from JAMA and The BMJ
  • NIHR Signals The National Institute for Health Research (UK) sifts through evidence in 100 leading health research journals in order to produce summaries of important research which aim to provide decision-makers with the evidence they can use


Free resources

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) US government agency for improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care
  • BestBETs  Developed by the Emergency Department at Manchester Royal Infirmary to provide reviews of the best evidence for busy clinicians covering emergency medicine, cardiology, respiratory medicine, pediatrics, nursing, and primary care
  • CenterWatch: Clinical trials listing service A resource for searching for and finding out about ongoing and previous trials. Useful for healthcare professionals, and those wishing to participate in clinical trials
  • Centre for Clinical Effectiveness An evidence-based practice support unit based at Monash Medical Centre, Australia, that encourages and supports health professionals, managers, and policy makers to use the best available evidence to improve health care
  • Centre for Evidence-Based Dentistry Established in 1995, this is an independent body whose aim is to promote the teaching, learning, practice, and evaluation of evidence-based dentistry worldwide
  • Centre for Evidence Based Medicine The CEBM, based in Oxford, UK, provides support and resources to doctors, clinicians, teachers, and others interested in learning more about EBM. The Centre runs a number of workshops from a 1-day introductory workshop to 3- and 5-day workshops aimed at clinicians and other healthcare professionals who want to gain knowledge of critical appraisal and experience in the practice of evidence-based health care
  • Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health The CEBMH, based in Oxford, UK, promotes the practice and teaching of evidence-based healthcare with a special emphasis on evidence-based mental health
  • Centre for Evidence Based Physiotherapy Based at University of Sydney, Australia
  • Critical Appraisal Skills Programme CASP has developed workshops and tools for critical appraisal covering a wide range of research
  • EQUATOR Network  This international initiative aims to promote transparent and accurate reporting to improve the reliability and value of published health research
  • Evidence-Based Practice Centers Set up by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), these centers aim to bring together the developers and implementers of evidence-based practice to help produce and improve tools for effective clinical practice
  • Evidence-Based Research Network  An international network which seeks to reduce waste in research by promoting the systematic review of existing evidence prior to the production of new studies, and the efficient production, updating, and dissemination of systematic reviews
  • Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) A global network which aims to support collaboration in guideline development, adaptation, and implementation
  • GRADE Working Group Since 2000 has developed a transparent approach to grading quality (or certainty) of evidence and strength of recommendations
  • Gruppo Italiano per la Medicina Basata sulle Evidenze (GIMBE) Italian evidence-based medicine homepage
  • IDEAL Collaboration  An international initiative which aims to improve the quality of research in surgery
  • International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care Promotes research in the proper use of evidence in healthcare decision making and provides professional and public education in the field of evidence-based health care
  • James Lind Library Documenting the evolution of fair medical trials
  • Joanna Briggs Institute An international not-for-profit research and development center based at the University of Adelaide, Australia, which collaborates internationally to promote evidence-based healthcare and the feasibility and effectiveness of healthcare practices
  • Life in the Fastlane  A medical website and blog providing evidence-based insights and education for emergency medicine and critical care
  • Making GRADE the irresistible choice (MAGIC) An international initiative which uses GRADE methodology to improve the creation, dissemination, and updating of clinical practice guidelines, evidence summaries, and decision aids
  • National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence UK government organization set up with the aim of providing guidance for clinicians and managers, patients, and public, on the basis of critically appraised research
  • National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence  Developing NICE guidelines process and methods:  Glossary
  • Occupational Therapy Evidence Based Practice Research Group Based at McMaster University, Canada. Critically appraised reviews of evidence-based occupational health. Includes downloadable guidelines on how to produce quantitative and qualitative reviews in this field
  • ScHARR School of Health and Related Research University of Sheffield, UK. Teaching and consultancy work on health service research/health technology assessment. The department is involved in literature searching, appraisal, and compilation of reviews
  • Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) Evidence-based practice guidelines for the NHS in Scotland. Files downloadable (pdf format)
  • Skeptics Guide to EM Provides emergency medicine clinicians and students with the best evidence through the website, weekly podcast, and social media channels
  • Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care Assessment of benefits, harms, cost-effectiveness, ethical, and broader social effects of health interventions
  • Testing Treatments Interactive Funded by the National Institute for Health Research (UK)  TTi aims to promote critical thinking about treatment claims
  • Therapeutics Initiative Home page of Canadian evidence-based therapeutics site
  • Trip database Database of research on a range of topics
  • World Health Organization Links to global health information

Content created by BMJ Knowledge Centre