Enhancing clinical decision making: BMJ Best Practice unveils exciting upgrades

In our commitment to advancing the quality of clinical decision making, BMJ Best Practice is delighted to introduce a series of updates that promise to enhance the user experience.

Meeting the requirements of medical professionals and students in search of fast access to clinical information, these updates offer:

A fresh look and feel: This redesign makes it easier for users to get to the information they need

Streamlined navigation: We have improved the signposting of key resources to ensure that users can swiftly access the information they require

Enhanced search functionality: We’ve improved the autosuggest feature, and search results now display all sources, including clinical topics, local guidance, patient leaflets, and multimedia

Enhanced access options: OpenAthens authentication is also available on the App.  Users can log in to their existing BMJ Best Practice accounts using OpenAthens from all devices. Learn more.


Louise Crowe, Director of BMJ Knowledge, commented,

“We have worked closely with clinicians around the world to ensure that BMJ Best Practice continues to evolve to meet their needs.  These latest updates will give healthcare professionals quick access to evidence-based recommendations at the point of care, to support improved patient outcomes. Our new user design and search capability will also save students time in their studies by enabling them to find the information they need even faster.”

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our team at: USsupport@bmj.com