Folhetos informativos para os pacientes

As fichas informativas ao paciente fornecem resumos concisos e fáceis de ler para tranquilizar os pacientes e cuidadores e ajudá-los a tomar decisões informadas e compartilhadas com os profissionais da saúde. Você pode imprimir, baixar e compartilhar essas fichas, mas observe que não assumimos responsabilidade por quaisquer alterações feitas após o download.


  1. 6-in-1 vaccine (diphtheria, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type B, polio, tetanus, whooping cough)


  1. Absence seizures in children
  2. Acne
  3. Acute kidney injury
  4. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  5. ADHD in children: what treatments work?
  6. ADHD: help in the classroom
  7. ADHD: questions to ask your doctor
  8. ADHD: what is it?
  9. Alcohol-use disorder
  10. Alcoholic liver disease
  11. Alopecia areata
  12. Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia
  13. Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia: what treatments work?
  14. Amfetamine and methamphetamine use disorder
  15. Anaemia, iron deficiency
  16. Anal tears
  17. Anaphylaxis
  18. Ankle sprain
  19. Ankylosing spondylitis: what is it?
  20. Ankylosing spondylitis: what treatments work?
  21. Anorexia
  22. Anorexia: como ajudar se alguém que você conhece pode ter anorexia
  23. Anorexia: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico
  24. Antibiotics: what you need to know
  25. Anxiety: questions to ask your doctor
  26. Anxiety: what is it?
  27. Anxiety: what treatments work?
  28. Aortic stenosis
  29. Appendicitis
  30. Ascitic tap and ascitic drain procedures
  31. Asthma in adults: questions to ask your doctor
  32. Asthma in adults: what is it?
  33. Asthma in adults: what treatments work?
  34. Asthma in children: questions to ask your doctor
  35. Asthma in children: types of inhalers
  36. Asthma in children: what is it?
  37. Asthma in children: what treatments work?
  38. Athlete's foot
  39. Atrial fibrillation: what is it?
  40. Atrial fibrillation: what treatments work?


  1. Back pain (lower back)
  2. Back pain: questions to ask your doctor
  3. Bacterial meningitis in adults
  4. Bacterial vaginosis
  5. Bag-valve-mask ventilation
  6. Basal cell carcinoma
  7. Bell's palsy
  8. Bipolar disorder: how can I avoid a relapse?
  9. Bipolar disorder: questions to ask your doctor
  10. Bipolar disorder: what is it?
  11. Bipolar disorder: what medicines work?
  12. Bowel cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  13. Bowel cancer: should I be screened?
  14. Bowel cancer: what is it?
  15. Bowel cancer: what treatments work?
  16. Bradycardia
  17. Breast cancer, locally advanced: what is it?
  18. Breast cancer, locally advanced: what treatments work?
  19. Breast cancer: breast-conserving surgery
  20. Breast cancer: DCIS (very early breast cancer) in women
  21. Breast cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  22. Breast cancer: routine screening (mammography)
  23. Breast lumps, non-cancer (benign)
  24. Breast pain
  25. Bronchiectasis: what is it?
  26. Bronchiectasis: what treatments work?
  27. Bronchiolitis
  28. Bronchitis
  29. Bronchoscopy
  30. Bulimia
  31. Bulimia: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico
  32. Bulimia: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  33. Burns (minor)


  1. Cannula insertion
  2. Caring for someone with dementia
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  4. Caspa
  5. Catarata: devo fazer cirurgia?
  6. Catarata: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico
  7. Catheterisation (female)
  8. Catheterisation (male): having a catheter fitted
  9. Cellulitis and erysipelas
  10. Cervical cancer
  11. Chest drain insertion
  12. Chickenpox
  13. Chlamydia
  14. Chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis)
  15. Chronic kidney disease: what is it?
  16. Chronic kidney disease: what treatments work?
  17. Chronic pancreatitis
  18. Cirrhosis: what is it?
  19. Cirrhosis: what treatments work?
  20. Cirurgia de catarata
  21. Cluster headaches: what are they?
  22. Cluster headaches: what treatments are available?
  23. Coeliac disease
  24. Cold sores
  25. Colic in babies
  26. Colonoscopy
  27. Common cold
  28. Concussão (lesão cerebral traumática leve)
  29. Conjunctivitis
  30. Constipation in adults
  31. Constipation in children
  32. COPD: questions to ask your doctor
  33. COPD: what is it?
  34. COPD: what treatments work?
  35. Coping strategies for teenagers and adults with ADHD
  36. Coronary angioplasty
  37. Coronary artery bypass surgery
  38. Coronavirus (COVID-19): vaccines
  39. Cotovelo de tenista
  40. COVID-19 (coronavirus)
  41. Crohn's disease: questions to ask your doctor
  42. Crohn's disease: what is it?
  43. Crohn's disease: what treatments work?
  44. Cystic fibrosis: what is it?
  45. Cystic fibrosis: what treatments work?
  46. Cystitis
  47. Cytomegalovirus
  48. Cálculos biliares: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico
  49. Câncer de testículo: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico


  1. Deep vein thrombosis
  2. Defibrillator: having a defibrillator fitted
  3. Dementia in a family member: questions to ask your doctor
  4. Dementia: frontotemporal dementia
  5. Depression in adults: questions to ask your doctor
  6. Depression in adults: what is it?
  7. Depression in adults: what treatments work?
  8. Depression in children and teenagers: questions to ask your doctor
  9. Depression in children and teenagers: what is it?
  10. Depression in children and teenagers: what treatments work?
  11. Dermatitis (seborrhoeic) of the body
  12. Diabetes insípido
  13. Diabetes que se desenvolve na gestação (diabetes gestacional)
  14. Diabetes type 1: what is it?
  15. Diabetes type 1: what treatments work?
  16. Diabetes type 2: questions to ask your doctor
  17. Diabetes type 2: should I take insulin?
  18. Diabetes type 2: what treatments work?
  19. Diabetes: What can I do to keep healthy?
  20. Diabetes: what is it?
  21. Diabetic ketoacidosis
  22. Diarrhoea in adults
  23. Diarrhoea in children
  24. Disenteria amebiana
  25. Disenteria amebiana: prevenção
  26. Disfunções temporomandibulares
  27. Dissecção da aorta
  28. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  29. Diverticular disease
  30. Doença de Huntington
  31. Doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) em crianças
  32. Doença isquêmica intestinal: o que é?
  33. Doença isquêmica intestinal: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  34. Dor de ouvido durante viagens aéreas
  35. DPOC: o que é?
  36. DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and pertussis)
  37. DTP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, polio)
  38. DVT and long-distance travel


  1. Ear infection in children: questions to ask your doctor
  2. Ear wax
  3. Ebola
  4. Ectopic pregnancy: what is it?
  5. Ectopic pregnancy: what treatments work?
  6. Eczema
  7. Eczema: questions to ask your doctor
  8. Endometrial ablation (diathermy)
  9. Endometrial ablation (microwave method)
  10. Endometriosis
  11. Endometriosis: questions to ask your doctor
  12. Endometriosis: what treatments work?
  13. Endoscopy (upper gastrointestinal)
  14. Enjoo matinal
  15. Enjoo matinal: perguntas a fazer ao seu médico
  16. Enlarged prostate: questions to ask your doctor
  17. Enlarged prostate: what is it?
  18. Enlarged prostate: what treatments are there?
  19. Enurese noturna
  20. Epilepsy: questions to ask your doctor
  21. Epilepsy: what is it?
  22. Epilepsy: what treatments work?
  23. Erection problems
  24. Erection problems: questions to ask your doctor
  25. Estenose da coluna vertebral


  1. Febrile seizures
  2. Feeding tube insertion
  3. Fenômeno de Raynaud
  4. Fertility problems: questions to ask your doctor
  5. Fertility problems: what goes wrong?
  6. Fertility problems: what treatments work?
  7. Fibroids
  8. Fibroids: questions to ask your doctor
  9. Fibromyalgia: what is it?
  10. Fibromyalgia: what treatments work?
  11. Flu
  12. Fungal nail infections


  1. Gallstones
  2. Gamopatia monoclonal de significado indeterminado
  3. Gender incongruence and gender dysphoria in adults
  4. Gender-affirming care in adults: hormone treatment
  5. Gender-affirming care in adults: surgery
  6. Genital herpes
  7. Genital warts
  8. Glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis)
  9. Glaucoma (open angle)
  10. Glomerulonephritis
  11. Gonorrhoea
  12. GORD: questions to ask your doctor
  13. Gout
  14. Graves’ disease
  15. Grommets
  16. Group B strep infection in newborns


  1. Haemorrhoids
  2. Hay fever
  3. Hay fever: avoiding pollen and mould
  4. Head lice
  5. Heart attack: questions to ask your doctor
  6. Heart attack: what is it?
  7. Heart failure
  8. Heart failure: how can I help myself?
  9. Heart failure: questions to ask your doctor
  10. Heartburn
  11. Heavy periods
  12. Heel pain (plantar fasciitis)
  13. Hemorragia subaracnoide
  14. Hepatitis B: should I have the vaccine?
  15. Hepatitis C: what is it?
  16. Hepatitis C: what treatments work?
  17. Herpes simplex eye infection
  18. High blood pressure: questions to ask your doctor
  19. High blood pressure: what is it?
  20. High blood pressure: what treatments work?
  21. High cholesterol
  22. High cholesterol: questions to ask your doctor
  23. Hip replacement surgery
  24. Hipertermia
  25. Hipotensão postural (pressão arterial baixa ao ficar em pé)
  26. HIV infection in pregnancy
  27. HIV: antiretroviral treatment (ART)
  28. HIV: common infections in people with HIV
  29. HIV: long-term complications
  30. HIV: prevention treatment (PrEP)
  31. HIV: testing
  32. HIV: what is it?
  33. How can I tell when my asthma is getting out of control?
  34. How can I tell when my child's asthma is getting out of control?
  35. How to avoid getting a fungal nail infection
  36. How to help your child avoid ear infections
  37. HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine
  38. Hyponatraemia
  39. Hysterectomy
  40. Hérnia de disco (coluna lombar): quais tratamentos funcionam?


  1. Impetigo
  2. Incontinência fecal
  3. Inguinal hernia: what is it?
  4. Inguinal hernia: what treatments work?
  5. Insomnia
  6. Intoxicação por monóxido de carbono
  7. Irritable bowel syndrome
  8. Irritable bowel syndrome: questions to ask your doctor
  9. Irritable bowel syndrome: what treatments work?


  1. Jaundice in newborn babies: what is it?
  2. Jaundice in newborn babies: what treatments work?


  1. Kidney cancer
  2. Kidney infection
  3. Kidney stones
  4. Knee injections
  5. Knee replacement surgery


  1. Labirintite
  2. Large bowel obstruction
  3. Laryngeal mask airway
  4. Leukaemia (acute lymphocytic)
  5. Leukaemia (chronic lymphocytic)
  6. Linfedema: o que é?
  7. Linfedema: quais tratamentos estão disponíveis?
  8. Living with Crohn's disease
  9. Living with fibromyalgia
  10. Lumbar puncture
  11. Lung cancer (non-small-cell)
  12. Lung cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  13. Lyme disease


  1. Malaria prevention
  2. Mastitis in breastfeeding women
  3. Mastitis: breastfeeding advice
  4. Mau hálito
  5. Measles, mumps, and rubella: should my child have the MMR vaccine?
  6. Melanoma: questions to ask your doctor
  7. MenACWY vaccine
  8. Meniere's disease
  9. Meningitis and septicaemia
  10. Menopause: questions to ask your doctor
  11. Menopause: should I take HRT?
  12. Menopause: what is it?
  13. Middle ear infection
  14. Mieloma múltiplo
  15. Migraine
  16. Migraine in children
  17. Migraine in children: medicines to prevent attacks
  18. Migraines: questions to ask your doctor
  19. Miscarriage
  20. Mitral valve prolapse
  21. Mouth ulcers
  22. Multiple sclerosis
  23. Multiple sclerosis: questions to ask your doctor


  1. Nasopharyngeal airway (breathing tube in the nose)
  2. Neuralgia do trigêmeo
  3. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: questions to ask your doctor
  4. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  5. Nosebleeds (epistaxis) in adults
  6. Nosebleeds in children


  1. Obesity - diet and exercise
  2. Obesity - drugs and surgery
  3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  4. Opioid-use disorder
  5. Oral thrush: how to reduce your risk
  6. Oral thrush: what is it?
  7. Oral thrush: what treatments work?
  8. Osteoarthritis
  9. Osteoarthritis: questions to ask your doctor
  10. Osteoarthritis: what treatments work?
  11. Osteomielite
  12. Osteoporosis: questions to ask your doctor
  13. Osteoporosis: what is it?
  14. Osteoporosis: what treatments work?
  15. Outer ear infection
  16. Ovarian cancer
  17. Ovarian cancer: what treatments work?
  18. Ovarian cyst
  19. Ovarian torsion


  1. Painful periods
  2. Pancreas cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  3. Pancreatic cancer
  4. Pancreatitis, acute
  5. Panic attacks: questions to ask your doctor
  6. Panic attacks: what are they?
  7. Panic attacks: what treatments work?
  8. Paralisia cerebral: o que é?
  9. Paralisia cerebral: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  10. Parkinson's disease: questions to ask your doctor
  11. Parkinson's disease: what is it?
  12. Parkinson's disease: what treatments work?
  13. Pelvic inflammatory disease
  14. Peptic ulcers
  15. Pericarditis
  16. Peripheral arterial disease
  17. Picadas e ferroadas de insetos
  18. Pleural effusion
  19. Pneumococcal vaccine in babies and children
  20. Pneumonia
  21. Pneumonia: do I need a vaccine?
  22. Pneumonia: questions to ask your doctor
  23. Polidipsia psicogênica
  24. Polimialgia reumática
  25. Polycystic ovary syndrome: questions to ask your doctor
  26. Polycystic ovary syndrome: what is it?
  27. Polycystic ovary syndrome: what treatments work?
  28. Post traumatic stress disorder
  29. Post-traumatic stress disorder: questions to ask your doctor
  30. Post-traumatic stress disorder: what treatments work?
  31. Postnatal depression
  32. Pre-diabetes
  33. Pre-eclampsia
  34. Pre-eclampsia: questions to ask your doctor
  35. Pre-eclampsia: what treatments work?
  36. Premature labour
  37. Pressure sores
  38. Preventing another stroke
  39. Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease): what is it?
  40. Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease): what treatments work?
  41. Prostate cancer
  42. Prostate cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  43. Prostate surgery: transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
  44. Prostatitis
  45. Psoriasis: what is it?
  46. Psoriasis: what treatments work?
  47. Psychosis
  48. Pulmonary embolism: what is it?
  49. Pulmonary embolism: what treatments work?


  1. Questions to ask your doctor if you've had a stroke


  1. Rheumatoid arthritis
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: questions to ask your doctor
  3. Ringworm of the body
  4. Rosácea: o que é?
  5. Rosácea: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  6. Rotator cuff injury
  7. Routine screening for prostate cancer
  8. Rugas


  1. Sarcoidosis
  2. Scabies
  3. Scalp ringworm
  4. Schizophrenia: questions to ask your doctor
  5. Schizophrenia: what is it?
  6. Schizophrenia: what treatments work?
  7. Self-help for panic disorder
  8. Sepsis in adults
  9. Sepsis in children
  10. Serotonin syndrome
  11. Shingles
  12. Shingles vaccine
  13. Shingles: what treatments work?
  14. Sickle cell disease: what is it?
  15. Sickle cell disease: what treatments work?
  16. Sinusitis
  17. Skin cancer (melanoma): how is it diagnosed and treated?
  18. Skin cancer (melanoma): what is it?
  19. Skin cancer (squamous cell)
  20. Sleep apnoea in adults (obstructive)
  21. Slipped disc (lower back): what is it?
  22. Slipped disc: questions to ask your doctor
  23. Small bowel obstruction
  24. Sore throat
  25. Spinal cord compression: what is it?
  26. Spinal cord compression: what treatments work?
  27. Squamous cell skin cancer: questions to ask your doctor
  28. Stable angina: questions to ask your doctor
  29. Stable angina: what is it?
  30. Stable angina: what treatments work?
  31. Stable angina: what you can do to help yourself
  32. Staying safe in the sun
  33. Stopping smoking
  34. Stress incontinence in women
  35. Stress incontinence: how to do pelvic floor exercises
  36. Stroke: emergency treatment
  37. Sudden infant death syndrome: how can I reduce the risk?
  38. Suicide risk management
  39. Superdosagem de paracetamol
  40. Syphilis screening
  41. Syphilis: how is it diagnosed and treated?
  42. Syphilis: what is it?
  43. Systemic lupus erythematosus
  44. Síndrome de Guillain-Barré
  45. Síndrome neuroléptica maligna


  1. Tension-type headache
  2. Testicular cancer
  3. Threadworm
  4. Thrush
  5. Tinnitus
  6. Tonsillectomy (surgery to remove the tonsils)
  7. Tonsillitis
  8. Tourette’s syndrome
  9. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: what is it?
  10. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: what treatments work?
  11. Transtorno afetivo sazonal
  12. Transtorno de personalidade: o que é?
  13. Transtorno de personalidade: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  14. Transtorno esquizoafetivo
  15. Transtorno por uso de cocaína
  16. Transtornos do espectro alcoólico fetal: o que é?
  17. Transtornos do espectro alcoólico fetal: quais tratamentos funcionam?
  18. Treating coughs and colds in children
  19. Tremor essencial
  20. Tuberculosis


  1. Ulcerative colitis: what is it?
  2. Ulcerative colitis: what treatments work?
  3. Underactive thyroid
  4. Underactive thyroid: questions to ask your doctor
  5. Understanding your blood pressure reading
  6. Urinary incontinence in women
  7. Urinary tract infections in children
  8. Urinary tract infections in men


  1. Varicocele
  2. Varicose veins: questions to ask your doctor
  3. Varicose veins: self-help
  4. Varicose veins: surgery to remove varicose veins
  5. Varicose veins: what are they?
  6. Varicose veins: what treatments work?
  7. Verrugas (comuns)
  8. Vertigem posicional paroxística benigna
  9. Vitamin B12 deficiency
  10. Vitamin D deficiency


  1. Weight problems in adults: questions to ask your doctor
  2. Weight problems in children
  3. Weight problems in children: changing unhealthy habits
  4. Weight problems in children: improving a child's diet
  5. Weight problems in children: increasing physical activity
  6. What you can do to prevent another heart attack
  7. Whiplash


  1. Úlceras da perna
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